An Enterprise-Grade Open-Source Data Reduction Architecture for All-Flash Storage Systems


All-flash storage (AFS) systems have become an essential infrastructure component to support enterprise applications, where sub-millisecond latency and very high throughput are required. Nevertheless, the price per capacity ofsolid-state drives (SSDs) is relatively high, which has encouraged system architects to adoptdata reduction techniques, mainlydeduplication andcompression, in enterprise storage solutions. To provide higher reliability and performance, SSDs are typically grouped usingredundant array of independent disk (RAID) configurations. Data reduction on top of RAID arrays, however, adds I/O overheads and also complicates the I/O patterns redirected to the underlying backend SSDs, which invalidates the best-practice configurations used in AFS. Unfortunately, existing works on the performance of data reduction do not consider its interaction and I/O overheads with other enterprise storage components including SSD arrays and RAID controllers. In this paper, using a real setup with enterprise-grade components and based on the open-source data reduction module RedHat VDO, we reveal novel observations on the performance gap between the state-of-the-art and the optimal all-flash storage stack with integrated data reduction. We therefore explore the I/O patterns at the storage entry point and compare them with those at the disk subsystem. Our analysis shows a significant amount of I/O overheads for guaranteeing consistency and avoiding data loss through data journaling, frequent small-sized metadata updates, and duplicate content verification. We accompany these observations with cross-layer optimizations to enhance the performance of AFS, which range from deriving new optimal hardware RAID configurations up to introducing changes to the enterprise storage stack. By analyzing the characteristics of I/O types and their overheads, we propose three techniques: (a) application-aware lazy persistence, (b) a fast, read-only I/O cache for duplicate verification, and (c) disaggregation of block maps and data by offloading block maps to a very fast persistent memory device. By consolidating all proposed optimizations and implementing them in an enterprise AFS, we show 1.3× to 12.5× speedup over the baseline AFS with 90% data reduction, and from 7.8× up to 57× performance/cost improvement over an optimized AFS (with no data reduction) running applications ranging from 100% read-only to 100% write-only accesses.

Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems (SIGMETRICS)
Reza Salkhordeh
Reza Salkhordeh
Postdoctoral researcher

My research interests include operating systems, solid-state drives, and data storage systems.